Madeleine Coleman Madeleine Coleman

Issue 06 — Nice Guys

I’m ushering us back into the unsought exploration of avoidance and ambivalence, aka defining Nice Guys. There are two genders: the Nice and the Kind. If something sounds nice, it doesn’t mean that it's kind. The Nice are perception-focused, the Kind are relationship-focused both: with others and themselves.

Read more for some novels that sift through the damage of indifference.

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Madeleine Coleman Madeleine Coleman

Issue 05 — Grief

A selection of books that helped me grieve versions of myself, friendships, limerence, heroes, frameworks now broken, memories, and even mindsets that, to quote the Love & Light crowd, no longer serve me. If speaking about grief is an act of love, then reading about it is too.

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Madeleine Coleman Madeleine Coleman

Issue 04 — Enigmatic Women

This edition’s book recommendations are all about enigmatic women, but more so the attraction and bewilderment surrounding them, and sometimes a peek into their own interiority (or even the unriddling of their enigmatic presentation).

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Madeleine Coleman Madeleine Coleman

Issue 03 — Matinee Idols

Quantity is a quality of its own and romance novels are the publishing industry’s best-selling genre for many, many reasons. Recommendations for books that feel like Mr. Darcy’s hand flex, young Hugh Grant, and the Bridget Jones Diary soundtrack: romcoms.

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Madeleine Coleman Madeleine Coleman

Issue 02 — Rage

Reading suggestions that will help you find, appreciate, and dare I say honor, your rage. This edition is full of books about anger, rage, and what this feeling creates in everyday life.

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